Thursday, February 3, 2011

Climate change

Climate changes are cause by natural and human.  Natural factors responsible for climate changes are continental drift, volcanoes, and ocean currents.  Human contributed with the rise of greenhouse gases and our others daily activities.  To find the most reliable source on climate change is by visiting the United State Environment Protect Agency website to lean about scientific finds concerning changes in the climate or join the global debated about what or how the government and industries should react.  The media portrayed climate change to be caused by human activities.  The portrayal makes me more likely to alter my lifestyle by being more aware of the amount of electricity I used, find other source of transportation, and use less paper.  The future effect of the climate change for my children and grand children’s will probably be more severe storms and floods, rising sea level which will reduce the quality and quantity of freshwater supplies, and most of the world endangered spices may become extinct.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Global Environmental Issues: Global Warming

The most pressing global environment issue facing us today is Global Warming. Global Warming an issue of climate change cause by human activities such as driving, turn on lights, and heating and cooling the homes. If I was giving $100 billion to address global warming  and have to divide the money 100% on the issues of Global Warming. I would hire a group of scientist to plant and protect trees that store the carbon dioxide our society produce on a daily basic (20%). Which will help the economy by employing individual in the planting and maintenance of million of trees each years (10%). Fund  law to give company tax break on encouraging carpool. Carpool minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air by automobile (10%). Fund laws to give insurance tax breaks on healthy individual by lowing their insurance rates by being healthy. Being healthy active help with the air pollution and energy saving cost by using less energy products such as watching television,  being on the computer, and using appliances (10%). Funding public transportation (20%). Help fund the law to pass the Clean Air Act in every state. The Clean Air Act is making companies change their product such as hair spray and cars to stop air pollution and endangering are lives (30%).