Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sustainable Agricuture

8 Major Element of Sustainable Farming
1: Sustainable Crop Production
2: Ecosystem Management and Protection
 3: Resource Conservation and Energy Efficiency
4: Integrated Waste Management
 5: Fair Labor Practices
 6: Community Benefits
7: Product Quality
8: Product Safety and Purity

The ecological principles woven into this framework is that Sustainable farming is healthy for the environment. protect the natural resource base on which agriculture depends.reduce air, soil and, above all, water pollution from pesticide residues and from fertiliser and livestock effluent run-offs.biotechnology breeding plants with genetic resistance to diseases, pests and broad-spectrum herbicides, but also in developing traits that deliver clear benefits for food/feed processing, consumer, industrial and pharmaceutical applications.

No, I  don't buy organic or naturally labeled food because they usually expensive. I'm disconnect with the current food system because I don't know the facts of the food system agricultural production and consumption pattern.

The "Third Frontier" is genetitic engineering in food and environment.

Yes I would be interested in growing my own vegetable and fruits if I was giving a space on campus to do so.

Introduction to Colliquium

I was expect to learn and understand the definifition of the word colliquium and why we are require to take in FGCU and not the other universities in Florida. My personal behavior that are unsustainable are using more energy from renewable source .Wasting water by taking fiften minute to take a shower and five minute to brush my teeth while letting the water run. Not using any public transportation to get to school or work; and flying four time out of the year.

Political Science relating to sustainability or ecology
1.Examines the politics of environmental degradation in countries of the global south, a.k.a. the developing world, through case studies of topics including Amazonian deforestation in Brazil, international development projects in India, and oil drilling in the Niger Delta.

2.Considers the special problems posed by environmental collective action for international policymakers; some of the primary actors and organizations involved in addressing environmental problems; and selected international environmental issues such as global warming, ozone depletion, and rain forest destruction.

3.An intensive investigation into the history and theory of environmental ethical and political thought.

4.Examines the politics of environmental transformation in Florida, including issues of water supply, growth management and Everglades restoration. This course supplements the department's offerings in environmental politics.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eco footprint

According to Eco Footprint calculation if everyone lived like me we would need 3.8 Planet Earth to provide enough resources and it will take 16.8 global acres of the Earth productive area.To reduce my footprint by 0.6 to 3.2 Planet Earths I could eat fewer animal-base foods, purchase products that use less packaging or are made out of recycled material , use more energy from renewable sources, switched to more energy-efficent appliances, use more public transportation instead of driving my car, and take a local holiday instead of flying.  If the average American ecofootprint is 4.6(earth)  it will take 20.3 global acres of the Earth's productive area to sustain there lifestyle. To reduce the foot print by 0.7 Planet Earths to 4.6 Planet Earths is to eat more local food and fewer procressed foods, and use other source of transportation.(