Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eco footprint

According to Eco Footprint calculation if everyone lived like me we would need 3.8 Planet Earth to provide enough resources and it will take 16.8 global acres of the Earth productive area.To reduce my footprint by 0.6 to 3.2 Planet Earths I could eat fewer animal-base foods, purchase products that use less packaging or are made out of recycled material , use more energy from renewable sources, switched to more energy-efficent appliances, use more public transportation instead of driving my car, and take a local holiday instead of flying.  If the average American ecofootprint is 4.6(earth)  it will take 20.3 global acres of the Earth's productive area to sustain there lifestyle. To reduce the foot print by 0.7 Planet Earths to 4.6 Planet Earths is to eat more local food and fewer procressed foods, and use other source of transportation.( http://www.footprintnetwork.org/)

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