Monday, April 25, 2011

peak oil and green energy

"Conservation a Dirty Word"
Farming Methods
  • Use of chemicals on the land
  • The effects of felling trees and uprooting hedges
  • Killing animals and plants (e.g. plant collection, over fishing, over hunting, egg collecting, insect collecting).
  • Blood sports (e.g. fox hunting, badger baiting, hare coursing, wildfowling, game bird shooting).
  • Accidental killing of plants and animals (e.g. careless fire lighters and campers, flower pickers, litter
    spreading etc.).
  • Building houses, factories, towns, cities and roads.
  • Disposing of the by-products of industry such as slag heaps, waste heaps, air and water pollution, dangerous
    chemicals and nuclear waste.
  • Using renewable materials (e.g. trees for making paper, crops, animals for food etc.).
  • Using non-renewable resources (e.g. minerals, coal and oil).

"Methods of Conservation"
By law
Giving protection to animals and plant species or special areas of land or water.

To restore unsightly countryside (e.g. waste tips and slag heaps etc.).
Alternative Energy
A need to find alternative resources to replace coal and oil etc.
Nature Reserves and Zoos
Of special value in preserving rare animal species.
Reprocessing of unwanted products (e.g. newspapers, scrap metals, glass and sewage etc.).

Making more people aware of the need to protect and preserve the environment through schools, youth organizations and the media.

I would inform Jimmy Cardigan on the reason renewable energy is not are main source of energy. Renewable energy has generally been more expensive to produce and use than fossil fuels. Renewable resources are often located in remote areas, and it is expensive to build power lines to the cities where the electricity they produce is needed. The use of renewable sources is also limited by the fact that they are not always available — cloudy days reduce solar power; calm days reduce wind power; and droughts reduce the water available for hydropower.

I agree with the government intervention to steer us away from fossil fuel. Fossil fuel are use more than can be produce. It known to release greenhouse gases which cause pollution. Scientist believe it the leading cause of climate change. Different source of energy such as solar and wind power use less energy.

Renewable energy

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